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About IKEM Corp.

IKEM stock company incorporated on 25.11.2011g. from legal entities and individuals with expertise, knowledge and experience in the areas of sustainable energy development, electromobility and renewable energy sources.


IKEM AD is a trading company incorporated on 25.11.2011g. from legal entities and individuals with expertise, knowledge and experience in the areas of sustainable energy development, electromobility and renewable energy sources.

The main activity of IKEM AD is doing business as National operator for charging infrastructure and production, distribution and sale of charging stations for Electric vehicles (EVs), smartgrid and software for managing networks.

Main shareholder is the National Branch Organization "Electric mobility" - EVIC , as an association of companies, research institutions, educational institutions in the field of electric mobility.
IKEM AD created and developed National platform for management, monitoring and control of the charging station network for electric vehicles - "BULCHARGE" .

The company is developing business in:

- Sale, construction and maintenance of various types of EVS charging stations;
- Representation and sale of EPS - bicycles, scooters, electric vehicles, electric buses;
- Representation and sale of specialized public utility vehicles;
- Mediation and consultancy in the realization of all types of public transport electric buses;
- Models of smart electric mobility schemes in urban, interurban and interurban environments;
- Investigation, consultation and sale of LED lighting for commercial and industrial activities, etc.
- Investors - private and institutional
- Municipalities in Bulgaria
- Producers of technology solutions for charging EVs, hybrid cars and hydrogen powered vehicles
- Provider of EVs
- Developers of electronic control systems, control and upgrade of networks of charging stations
- Developers of specific applications to provide additional services to the users of electric vehicles
- Owners and operators of petrol stations
- Leasing companies
- Insurance Companies, etc.


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