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EUROPEAN VALUES INSTITUTE is a legal entity registered under the Law for the Non-Profit Legal Entities (LNPLE).

MISSION: Assist in the transformation of socio - economic relations in the EU in the knowledge society.

Directions in the work of the Institute are:

1. Increasing knowledge of the Bulgarian Society for the European Union (EU).
2. Formation of values associated with the common European cultural space, Internet culture and information society.
3. Involvement of Bulgarian citizens to the European idea.
4. Promote active and effective participation in public life, creating social support, development of volunteering among young people.

The main EVI team includes 24 experts from practice and academic rank (professors, associate professors, senior scientific assistants) from University of Sofia, New Bulgarian University, University of National and World Economy and the institutes of BAS.

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS)

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) is the largest scientific organization in Bulgaria. more...
Central Laboratory of Electrochemical Power Sources (CLEPS)

Established in 1967 as the Central Laboratory of Electrochemical Power Sources (CLEPS), theEvgeni Budevski Institute of Electrochemistry and more...

EVIC clusters together companies, organizations and experts, specialized in variety engineering, industrial and non-productional sectors fro more...